TacticalOps 3.5 Serverpackage with TOST4420 and ESECTFv1000
Author: Thor
Submitted by: Thor   Date: 2010-05-02 09:44
Comments: (2)   Ratings:
This is a working TO350 Gameserver with TOST4420 and ESECTF v1000.
simple start it and have fun :D

Please read the Readme!

known Problems:

Problem: "/System/ucc-bin: No such file or directory."
Solution: install the ia32-libs

Problem: "Critical: Can't bind to native class ServerCrashFix_v11.SCFNative"
Solution: uncommand following line in the server.ini
; ServerActors=ServerCrashFix_v11.SCFActor

ESECTFv1.1.0.0 : downloaded 258 times (09.11:2011: counter reset)
ESECTFv1.1.0.0 : downloaded 395 times (05.07:2011: counter reset)
ESECTFv1.0.0.0 : downloaded 438 times
Download : TO350Server with TOST4420 and ESECTF
Size: 158720KB, downloaded 4817 times