Author: Thor
Submitted by: Kagome   Date: 2007-10-09 13:55
Comments: (4)   Ratings:
1.   Posted by SH!N0BI   2008-03-16 00:03  

What programs have in this pack?

2.   Posted by virtualmarc   2008-09-03 16:41  

kann man nochmal den direkten link posten, damit man es unter linux per wget downloaden kann?

3.   Posted by TijAY   2009-07-07 07:29  

I have compatibility issueses runnig this server on Windows 7 x64. Console app envtime.exe can't run under my x64 OS. So server not run. Setting compat options for this exe or launching cmd.exe from syswow64 don't solve the problem.

Can anyone help me?

4.   Posted by andron9191   2009-12-25 16:36  

&񕬶 download this server
how to update a tost 43 to tost 44 ???
and how download ese on this server ???
pls help update server

This is a working TO350 Gameserver with newest TOST.
simple start it and have fun :D

known Problems:

Problem: "/System/ucc-bin: No such file or directory."
Solution: install the ia32-libs

Problem: "Critical: Can't bind to native class ServerCrashFix_v11.SCFNative"
Solution: uncommand following line in the server.ini
; ServerActors=ServerCrashFix_v11.SCFActor

03.01.2012 57 times (counter reset)
09.11:2011: 224 times (counter reset)
05.07:2011: 4545 times (counter reset)
09.04.2010: 3681 times
Download : TO350Server with TOST4369
Size: 133617KB, downloaded 4415 times