Account Manager
Clan Members 
AM Members (eng)

Account Manager - Clan Members

If you are the leader of the clan, here you see an overview of all the members currently in your clan, which you can edit, remove and manage as necessary. If you are not the clan leader, you can view the details but can not change anything.
If there is a symbol in front of the Player Name, it means this player is requesting membership to join the clan, but has not been granted.

If you are the leader:
You can simply accept the player by clicking on Update.
If you wish to remove a member from your clan, just click the Remove button to do so.
After you've confirmed that you wish to delete a member, he will be removed from your clan.

Leader and Tryout are the only real positions with functions, the other positions have no real function aside from being informative (although at a later stage we plan to implement certain functionality and access for them).
Only players with Leader status can remove/accept players from and into the clan, as well as update clan information

Clan-Tag extension !

The AntiFake-System gives the leader the possibility to assign a player one of 3 different Tags, selectable by the 3 radio buttons on the left (Standard, Tryout and Special).
With the Clan- and Player-settings the TrustServer will create the Tag-Nick-combination accordingly.

The Co-Leader has no real function (for now).

Why all the membership positions (Co-leader / Webadmin / etc.) if they have no function ?
This way they can be given functions in later versions of the tool.
For now it will work as follows:

Your Clan Leader is inactive / banned / unable to play:
Normally you'd have to create another clan, or simply let the clan die. Now you can ask the ESE Team if the Co-Leader of the clan, can be changed to the Leader. By using the Co-Leader status, we can see who the Leader rights should be given to.

If a player is marked in red, it means he's got a big problem (and maybe the clan as well!):
The player receives a red color if he was caught (Case is open = light red)
and was banned (= dark red).
This way the Clan Leader has an overview of his members and their current status.

The Clans button will return a list of all the clans that the selected member is currently in:

A useful and interesting tool for the leaders is the History button.
This function allows the leader to see the clan history of the selected player and how long he was or has been in a clan.

The + / - symbols mean he's still in or has left the clan.

All the data shown above is just an example of course

20.09.2010 14:33:27