First Steps... 
First Steps (eng)

First steps

Start the program (shouldn't be too difficult for Windows users)

First select the language (if more than 1 language was installed) to use for the program (later on we can expand the language selection)

The program asks for your confirmation to test the connection to the server.

This connection test is mandatory, if the test is not performed the program will shut down!

The test will attempt to establish a connection with our server, and display errors that will indicate if something is blocking the connection (i.e. firewalls or routers).

If a connection was succesfully made, 'Connection OK' will appear in the status line and a popup message will give you the current version of the server. If the server's version is not the same as the version that is displayed in the status line, you should update immediately.
If it takes a while before something happens, an error message displaying what went wrong will appear.

The Tool has a flood protection, which means you have to wait 5 seconds in between pressing buttons, it won't respond if you press buttons during those 5 seconds.

Like most registrations, you will receive confirmation via E-Mail .
If you can't find the E-Mail in your inbox, please check your Spam / Junkmail folder.

If you start the program for the first time, you'll only be able to see the Registration Page, seen as you don't have an account yet.
You should only be concerned with the Settings Page if you use more than 1 account.
You can only use the Download / Update Tool functions on the update page.

The Registration is completed in several steps:

First you must register yourself by filling out the required entry fields.
You can activate your account by entering the password that you've received in the E-Mail. Immediately after Activation, you should change your Password.
The last step is to have the tool install (or update) the needed ESE files into your Tactical Ops System directory.

Your account will be automatically identified as clanless (.cl).

The following steps depend on the release stages:

After registration you get access to the Account-Manager.
Here's a small overview of the Account Manager's tools and capabilities:

  • Member Administration
      Create a Clan
      Join a Clan
      Quit a Clan
  • Gameserver Administration
      Server Registration
  • As Clan-Leader (this status must be requested seperately) the following functions are available:

  • Clan Administration
      Edit data (Tags, homepage etc.)
  • Member administration
      Accepting members
      Edit member status
      Remove members

  • 20.09.2010 14:32:53