Who ya gonna call?
Submitted by: Kagome   Date: 2009-04-03 01:44
Comments: (12)   Ratings:
If you are new on the ESE Website please read following Links first!
AccManager Release News: http://www.ese-protect.de/homepage/page.php?id=73
Client Release News: http://www.ese-protect.de/homepage/page.php?id=78
ESE BetaServers: http://ese-protect.de/downloads/Servercheck8.php

[German below | Die deutschsprachige News folgt nach der weißen Trennlinie]
(Check also the first Link in the News Comments)
When disaster strikes...
When a community quakes in fear....
When there is no one to turn to ....
Who ya gonna call?
The Ghostbusters - yes maybe. But it would be better if you call ESE for this Community ;)

Today we present the ESEClient and get a report of Mrs. Log.

- fixed some crashes
- added some new detections
- upgraded a Maindetection of ESE from v3.0 to 3.5
- optmized some functions to reduce Lag
- Cpu-Core Controll added.
If you have multicore CPU, ESE will force the process TacticalOps.exe to "Core 1" in the Taskmanager.
TO can't handle multicore Cpus which result in Lags or speed problems.
So if you used in the past a tool which controlled that like OneProc or EasyTools or something else, please disable it or modify that it use the "core1" for TacticalOps.exe too or you will get in a conflict like OneProc switch to Core0, ESE to Core1 and so on....

- updated Ruleset v3.0
- updated Whitelist v18.26
The Registration is disabled because the Mail server doesn't work since some days.
We hope to fix that Problem until Sunday and will inform you when it works again.
We will send the Password for the Registration out after the Mail server is back.
Some People made that registration until we noticed that the Mail server is down.

Mrs. Log
As some will remember from the previous News ( http://www.ese-protect.de/homepage/page.php?id=122 ) we waited for a Report of Mrs. Log :).
We included some new prevent detections to detect maybe a cheat but we kept that on SilentLog.
a) to see if some cheats use that method
b) to see which player us the Cheats
c) to prevent BugBans.
So in future, we will make it more times to test something live with Log-Only instead a ban. That is more User-friendly if we check the Logs after some weeks and see if there are some bugs in the Logs or not.
As we read some rumours on some Community Forums, some people bought a private cheat which got detected by the new prevent system silently.

The following Logs are build like in the last time, now with the people which bought that private cheat:

The Clannicks:
You see there a Membership history. Note please that in the first Weeks, ESE had there a Bug.
So it is possible that some players miss a JOIN Date but leave the Clan.

The Date:
This is the Date when someone join or left a Clan

The total Report Number:
While a Player plays TO and ESE has "Log only" activated, it create every ~2 Minutes a new Report.
This happens because ESE detect a Cheat and want to kill that Player but isn't allowed to do this.
So you can see about the 'total Reports' Number how often / long the User used the Cheat.

The blue PUID row
This is the player with all his Puids.
The Logs are separated by PUID and can be checked if you click on the 'show' Button

So, to excuse ourselves, we are too lazy to show the COMPLETE Logs, that is
a) too much spam here on the News
b) to pick the Info’s out of our Reports and post here is lovely handwork.
which result that we will show you only the last 3 weeks. No panic there wasn’t any other Users with that private cheat as be posted here.

Check also if you played a War on the Servers in that time .. because the logged Players used the cheats in many Wars e.g. XGC 1. Div pstarZ vs wwc or in a FM vs [EW] or a Fm against MM and so on...


PUID 1091.

ClanNick Homepage ClanName Join/Left Date

pstarZ*Nasty.hes http://www.pstarz.de Pornostarz JOIN 2008-03-21 15:23:40
Nasty.hes@i-net.only http://www.hfd.de #inet-only 4 life JOIN 2008-04-02 21:15:32
pstarZ*Nasty.hes http://www.pstarz.de Pornostarz EXIT 2008-04-04 14:11:08
pstarZ*Nasty.hes http://www.pstarz.de Pornostarz JOIN 2008-04-05 20:42:30
Nasty.hes@i-net.only http://www.hfd.de #inet-only 4 life EXIT 2008-04-13 20:12:47
aS`Nasty.hes http://end-to.de.vu Anti-Stress Team JOIN 2008-06-03 22:46:51
diamondZ.Nasty.hes http://www.team-diamondZ.de Team diamondZ JOIN 2008-06-10 15:29:14
diamondZ.Nasty.hes http://www.team-diamondZ.de Team diamondZ EXIT 2008-07-23 18:20:49
aS`Nasty.hes http://end-to.de.vu Anti-Stress Team EXIT 2008-07-23 18:20:58
pstarZ*Nasty.hes http://www.pstarz.de Pornostarz EXIT 2008-07-23 18:21:09
pstarZ*Nasty.hes http://www.pstarz.de Pornostarz JOIN 2008-08-10 20:24:05
eS`.hes http://www.emus-sitatus.com eMus si7atus JOIN 2008-08-23 20:15:11
eS`Nasty.hes http://www.emus-sitatus.com eMus si7atus EXIT 2008-09-16 19:45:38
eS`Nasty.hes http://www.emus-sitatus.com eMus si7atus JOIN 2008-09-28 19:32:30
pstarZ*Nasty.hes http://www.pstarz.de Pornostarz EXIT 2008-11-02 21:42:24
eS`Nasty.hes http://www.emus-sitatus.com eMus si7atus EXIT 2008-11-10 19:42:28
=]TT[=Nasty.hes http://www.terrortubbies.net Terrortubbies JOIN 2008-11-12 20:25:35
pstarZ*Nasty.hes http://www.pstarz.de Pornostarz JOIN 2008-11-12 22:58:27
eS`Nasty.hes http://www.emus-sitatus.com eMus si7atus JOIN 2008-11-27 18:42:43
=]TT[=Nasty.hes http://www.terrortubbies.net Terrortubbies EXIT 2009-01-13 22:50:31
Nasty.hes.de Team Germany JOIN 2009-01-16 20:26:16
Nasty.hes http://www.team-hessen.tk Team Hessen JOIN 2009-01-22 17:35:19
xplosionZ`Nasty.hes http://www.xplosionz.eu xplosionZ . JOIN 2009-01-24 13:24:26
.>[8]<.Don)(Stylo http://www.abteilung-8.de/ Abteilung 8. JOIN 2009-02-10 21:03:05
{TRUTM}`Nasty.hes http://www.trutm4ever.org TheRealUTMasterZ JOIN 2009-02-13 00:41:05
Nasty.hes.de Team Germany EXIT 2009-02-24 21:25:19
x8ted`Nasty.hes http://www.getx8ted.de // coming soon // ESL + CB Get excited JOIN 2009-03-20 15:30:02
x8ted`Nasty.hes http://www.getx8ted.de // coming soon // ESL + CB Get excited EXIT 2009-03-21 18:23:17
x8ted`Darksim http://www.getx8ted.de // coming soon // ESL + CB Get excited JOIN 2009-03-21 18:24:10
time GSName GSMap GSCWMode GSPlayercount
2009-04-01 01:03:59 .de pstarz *Schlachthalle* WarServer 2 Icy Breeze Enabled 8
32 Logs
2009-04-01 00:33:44 .de pstarz *Schlachthalle* WarServer 2 The Getaway Enabled 8
26 Logs
2009-04-01 00:26:56 .de pstarz *Schlachthalle* WarServer 2 RapidWaters][ Enabled 5
5 Logs
2009-04-01 00:19:54 Xpro-Gaming.eu - Public #1 Trooper ][ Disabled 11
4 Logs
2009-04-01 00:09:21 Xpro-Gaming.eu - Public #1 Scope Disabled 11
8 Logs
2009-03-30 21:35:32 .de wwC by speicherland.com TO-Dragon Enabled 10
44 Logs
2009-03-30 20:32:52 .de pstarz *Schlachthalle* WarServer 2 Blister Enabled 10
52 Logs
2009-03-27 20:06:31 .de *HcD* Publicserver @teamplay.de RapidWaters][ Enabled 4
5 Logs
2009-03-27 20:01:58 .de *HcD* Publicserver @teamplay.de Trooper ][ Enabled 13
2 Logs
2009-03-26 23:46:48 .de pstarz *Schlachthalle* WarServer 2 Blister Enabled 7
39 Logs
2009-03-26 23:12:37 .de pstarz *Schlachthalle* WarServer 2 Scope Enabled 7
31 Logs
2009-03-26 23:00:53 .de pstarz *Schlachthalle* WarServer 2 Blister Enabled 4
10 Logs
2009-03-25 21:19:05 Eiskalte Waechter War Server I Blister Enabled 9
25 Logs - FM vs [EW]
2009-03-25 20:38:55 Eiskalte Waechter War Server I Omega Enabled 9
37 Logs - FM vs [EW]

2009-03-24 22:42:15 .de wwC by speicherland.com Scope Enabled 8
16 Logs
2009-03-24 18:05:15 .de pstarz *Schlachthalle* WarServer 2 Blister Enabled 7
30 Logs
2009-03-24 17:22:25 Xpro-Gaming.eu - Public #1 Trooper ][ Disabled 14
10 Logs
2009-03-23 23:27:20 .de pstarz *Schlachthalle* WarServer 2 Blister Enabled 7
9 Logs
2009-03-23 19:49:52 .de r@F|Public by core64.de Scope Disabled 15
15 Logs
2009-03-23 18:07:27 Team gamed!de by gameserver.gamed.de Scope Disabled 7
4 Logs
2009-03-23 12:55:05 .de pstarz *Schlachthalle* WarServer 2 Scope Enabled 5
28 Logs
2009-03-23 12:09:41 .de pstarz *Schlachthalle* WarServer 2 RapidWaters][ Enabled 3
41 Logs
2009-03-22 23:10:43 .de pstarz *Schlachthalle* WarServer 2 Scope Enabled 6
4 Logs
2009-03-22 22:22:53 .de pstarz *Schlachthalle* WarServer 2 RapidWaters][ Enabled 6
43 Logs
2009-03-22 22:18:34 .de pstarz *Schlachthalle* WarServer 2 Blister Enabled 5
1 Log
2009-03-22 19:54:34 .bC' - Privat - Xpro-Gaming.eu Trooper ][ Enabled 10
24 Logs
2009-03-22 19:25:09 .bC' - Privat - Xpro-Gaming.eu Blister Enabled 10
27 Logs
2009-03-22 19:17:02 .bC' - Privat - Xpro-Gaming.eu November Rain Enabled 9
6 Logs
2009-03-22 01:08:44 .de pstarz *Schlachthalle* WarServer 2 Trooper ][ Enabled 4
31 Logs - seems to be a War
2009-03-22 00:46:39 .de pstarz *Schlachthalle* WarServer 2 Blister Enabled 4
5 Logs

Total: 615 Logs

PUID 15005 linked: 14935,16103,16211,16427,16428,16430

ClanNick Homepage ClanName Join/Left Date
/ kimbox.cl Clanless Clanless - -

time GSName GSMap GSCWMode GSPlayercount
2009-03-29 21:56:22 www.buRnClan.de | GameServer | SpaWn.nrw &amp; Remus.gL | by gC- Scope Disabled 4
1 Log
2009-03-29 21:35:14 www.buRnClan.de | GameServer | SpaWn.nrw &amp; Remus.gL | by gC- RapidWaters][ Disabled 4
19 Logs
2009-03-29 21:33:31 www.buRnClan.de | GameServer | SpaWn.nrw &amp; Remus.gL | by gC- The Getaway Disabled 4
1 Log
2009-03-29 20:55:08 www.buRnClan.de | GameServer | SpaWn.nrw &amp; Remus.gL | by gC- Scope Disabled 3
4 Logs
2009-03-22 12:43:37 .de D'el!te Public &amp; Fun Server by ngz-server.de 'Glasgow Kiss' Disabled 2
8 Logs

Total: 33 Logs

ClanNick Homepage ClanName Join/Left Date
/ m4rkus.cl Clanless Clanless - -
time GSName GSMap GSCWMode GSPlayercount
2009-03-21 23:26:12 .de D'el!te Public &amp; Fun Server by ngz-server.de Scope Disabled 3
4 Logs
Total 4 Logs

ClanNick Homepage ClanName Join/Left Date
x8ted`DONUT? http://www.getx8ted.de // coming soon // ESL + CB Get excited JOIN 2009-03-22 12:52:37
time GSName GSMap GSCWMode GSPlayercount
2009-03-31 20:18:13 .de r@F|Public by core64.de Trooper ][ Disabled 8
6 Logs
2009-03-31 20:11:00 .de r@F|Public by core64.de RapidWaters][ Disabled 8
2 Logs
2009-03-31 18:45:23 TG-C.eu - Public / Clanserver. Scope Enabled 1
18 Logs
2009-03-31 18:20:09 TG-C.eu - Public / Clanserver. RapidWaters][ Enabled 2
22 Logs
2009-03-31 16:51:33 Team Finland by core64.de Scope Enabled 7
19 Logs
2009-03-30 17:13:30 Team gamed!de by gameserver.gamed.de Deadly Drought Disabled 6
18 Logs
2009-03-29 15:57:40 EU-Hosting- uS- public&amp;war server Icy Breeze Disabled 10
9 Logs
2009-03-29 15:31:47 EU-Hosting- uS- public&amp;war server Blister Disabled 10
25 Logs
2009-03-29 14:19:27 .de r@F|Public by core64.de Trooper ][ Disabled 5
8 Logs
2009-03-29 13:55:34 Xpro-Gaming.eu - Public #1 The Getaway Disabled 11
1 Log
2009-03-28 15:39:43 .de D'el!te Public &amp; Fun Server by ngz-server.de Scope Disabled 6
21 Logs
2009-03-28 13:36:27 EU-Hosting- uS- public&amp;war server Trooper ][ Disabled 6
12 Logs
2009-03-28 13:04:49 .de pstarz *Schlachthalle* WarServer 2 Scope Enabled 6
13 Logs
2009-03-27 20:03:18 .de *HcD* Publicserver @teamplay.de Trooper ][ Enabled 12
23 Logs
2009-03-25 14:33:34 .de pstarz *Schlachthalle* WarServer 2 Blister Enabled 1
43 Logs
2009-03-24 22:42:31 .de wwC by speicherland.com Scope Enabled 8
16 Logs
2009-03-24 19:54:40 TG-C.eu - Public / Clanserver. RapidWaters][ Enabled 2
9 Logs
2009-03-24 19:29:33 TG-C.eu - Public / Clanserver. Scope Enabled 2
21 Logs
2009-03-24 17:39:45 .de pstarz *Schlachthalle* WarServer 2 Blister Enabled 2
5 Logs
2009-03-24 17:22:13 Xpro-Gaming.eu - Public #1 Trooper ][ Disabled 13
6 Logs
2009-03-23 20:26:06 [n|$|c]* BesT [DE+MSG] Server - Rapid / Trooper / Deagle / S Deagle5 v1.2 for AoT Disabled 4
10 Logs
2009-03-23 20:18:47 .de pstarz *Schlachthalle* WarServer 2 Blister Enabled 3
3 Logs
2009-03-23 18:37:41 Team gamed!de by gameserver.gamed.de Blister Disabled 4
10 Logs
2009-03-23 18:10:09 Team gamed!de by gameserver.gamed.de Scope Disabled 7
9 Logs
2009-03-23 18:00:25 [n|$|c]* BesT [DE+MSG] Server - Rapid / Trooper / Deagle / S Trooper ][ Disabled 10
3 Logs
2009-03-23 13:32:10 SuNnY's De &amp; Msg Server RapidWaters][ Disabled 4
18 Logs
2009-03-22 19:54:37 .bC' - Privat - Xpro-Gaming.eu Trooper ][ Enabled 10
24 Logs
2009-03-22 19:25:12 .bC' - Privat - Xpro-Gaming.eu Blister Enabled 10
27 Logs
2009-03-22 19:03:51 .de [KOPnet] - www.kopnet.de by esport-server.de RapidWaters][ Enabled 5
1 Log
2009-03-22 18:37:06 .de r@F|Public by core64.de RapidWaters][ Disabled 8
14 Logs
2009-03-22 16:59:18 .fr`•.,¸¸,.•´¯ OVERiDE`Gaming pw:overide ¯`•.,¸¸,.•´ Scope Disabled 9
23 Logs
2009-03-22 16:50:09 .fr`•.,¸¸,.•´¯ OVERiDE`Gaming pw:overide ¯`•.,¸¸,.•´ Blister Enabled 8
7 Logs
2009-03-22 15:53:26 ':.:' Face-Rules Warserver by core64.de Scope Enabled 8
1 Log
2009-03-22 13:30:40 ':.:' Face-Rules II by core64.de Trooper ][ Disabled 5
12 Logs
2009-03-22 13:25:20 ':.:' Face-Rules II by core64.de RapidWaters][ Disabled 7
3 Logs

Total 463 Logs

ClanNick Homepage ClanName Join/Left Date
/ 6463653653.cl Clanless Clanless - -

PUID time GSName GSMap GSCWMode GSPlayercount
2009-03-30 21:33:20 .de wwC by speicherland.com TO-Dragon Enabled 10
48 Logs
2009-03-30 20:36:18 .de pstarz *Schlachthalle* WarServer 2 Blister Enabled 10
50 Logs
Total: 98 Logs

16427, 16428,16430:
ClanNick Homepage ClanName Join/Left Date
/ iknow.cl Clanless Clanless - -

PUID 12805 linked to: 17, 7312, 11694, 12805

eS`sjN http://www..emus-sitatus.com eMus si7atus JOIN 2008-03-17 21:51:54
sjN.E$E http://www.ese-protect.de Team ESE EXIT 2008-03-19 22:38:19
(EM)sjNho` http://elite-marines.de Elite Marines JOIN 2008-06-26 16:08:56
(EM)sjNho` http://elite-marines.de Elite Marines EXIT 2008-08-10 18:07:00
(EM)sjNho` http://elite-marines.de Elite Marines JOIN 2008-08-10 20:12:03
(EM)sjNho` http://elite-marines.de Elite Marines EXIT 2008-09-01 21:29:07
jS.eu`sjN http://www..justskill.eu js JOIN 2008-09-07 21:18:11
jS.eu`sjN http://www..justskill.eu js EXIT 2008-09-25 11:57:31
pstarZ*sjN http://www..pstarz.de Pornostarz JOIN 2008-12-07 20:35:51
.2ql4u`hoorai<3 http://clanbase.ggl.com/claninfo.php?cid=1469411 2 cool 4 u JOIN 2008-12-20 16:17:46
v1.sN. http://clanbase.ggl.com/claninfo.php?cid=1671664 volume n°1 JOIN 2008-12-26 22:04:17
.2ql4u`hoorai<3 http://clanbase.ggl.com/claninfo.php?cid=1469411 2 cool 4 u EXIT 2009-01-15 17:55:51
v1.sN. http://clanbase.ggl.com/claninfo.php?cid=1671664 volume n°1 EXIT 2009-01-16 19:35:45
sjN.de Team Germany JOIN 2009-01-16 20:44:46
sjN.de Team Germany EXIT 2009-02-24 21:25:08
2009-04-01 16:38:55 # STARZ BASHSERVER Scope Enabled 6
8 Logs
2009-03-30 20:36:20 .de pstarz *Schlachthalle* WarServer 2 Blister Enabled 10
11 Logs

Total 19 Logs

PUID 12805
ClanNick Homepage ClanName Join/Left Date
teamkR.de|vitaLity http://clanbase.ggl.com/claninfo.php?cid=1699570 teamKR.de JOIN 2009-01-07 19:05:26
.>[8]<.vitaLity http://www.abteilung-8.de/ Abteilung 8. JOIN 2009-02-10 21:00:55
{TRUTM}`vitaLity http://www..trutm4ever.org TheRealUTMasterZ JOIN 2009-02-13 00:39:44
{TRUTM}`sico77a http://www..trutm4ever.org TheRealUTMasterZ EXIT 2009-03-16 18:26:30
teamkR.de|vitaLity http://clanbase.ggl.com/claninfo.php?cid=1699570 teamKR.de EXIT 2009-03-16 18:26:40
.>[8]<.The Brain http://www.abteilung-8.de/ Abteilung 8. EXIT 2009-03-16 18:26:44
x8ted`n0thing http://www..getx8ted.de // coming soon // ESL + CB Get excited JOIN 2009-03-17 19:26:48
time GSName GSMap GSCWMode GSPlayercount
2009-03-31 21:27:51 Eiskalte Waechter Public-Clan-Server I [ESE-Protected] RapidWaters][ Disabled 12
7 Logs
2009-03-24 17:51:07 .de pstarz *Schlachthalle* WarServer 2 Blister Enabled 3
5 Logs
2009-03-24 17:46:10 www.buRnClan.de | GameServer | SpaWn.nrw &amp; Remus.gL | by gC- RapidWaters][ Enabled 6
3 Logs
2009-03-23 20:20:29 .de pstarz *Schlachthalle* WarServer 2 Blister Enabled 3
1 Log
2009-03-22 19:25:10 .bC' - Privat - Xpro-Gaming.eu Blister Enabled 10
27 Logs
2009-03-22 19:20:24 .bC' - Privat - Xpro-Gaming.eu November Rain Enabled 8
3 Logs
2009-03-22 16:53:13 .de pstarz *Schlachthalle* WarServer 2 Scope Enabled 2
25 Logs
2009-03-22 16:43:59 .de pstarz *Schlachthalle* WarServer 2 Trooper ][ Enabled 2
7 Logs
2009-03-22 13:17:52 ':.:' Face-Rules II by core64.de RapidWaters][ Disabled 6
10 Logs
2009-03-22 12:43:59 .de D'el!te Public &amp; Fun Server by ngz-server.de 'Glasgow Kiss' Disabled 2
7 Logs

Total: 95 Logs

PUID 7312
ClanNick Homepage ClanName Join/Left Date

gamed!de.v1reS` http://team.gamed.de GAMED!DE JOIN 2008-06-10 14:55:08
gamed!de.v1reS` http://team.gamed.de GAMED!DE EXIT 2008-06-10 16:37:28
BeTA|v1reS` http://www..betagaming.org BeTA.Gaming JOIN 2008-06-15 19:36:44
BeTA|v1reS` http://www..betagaming.org BeTA.Gaming EXIT 2008-06-25 13:37:26
pstarZ*v1reS` http://www..pstarz.de Pornostarz JOIN 2008-07-31 20:52:56
pstarZ*v1reS` http://www..pstarz.de Pornostarz EXIT 2008-08-10 20:24:24
iaR!banaNa` http://www.iar4ever.org/ insane access rushers JOIN 2008-09-15 11:05:14
iaR!banaNa` http://www.iar4ever.org/ insane access rushers EXIT 2008-09-29 20:31:07
.2ql4u`hoorai<3 http://clanbase.ggl.com/claninfo.php?cid=1469411 2 cool 4 u JOIN 2008-10-22 18:36:46
team.lpz`|martjNoviC http://northman22.no.funpic.de/html/forum/index.php TeamLeipzig! JOIN 2008-11-06 19:31:59
core*paradox` http://www..core-eSport.de Core eSport JOIN 2008-11-30 16:39:02
team.lpz`|martjNoviC http://northman22.no.funpic.de/html/forum/index.php TeamLeipzig! EXIT 2008-12-07 17:58:31
core*paradox` http://www..core-eSport.de Core eSport EXIT 2008-12-07 17:58:35
.2ql4u`hoorai<3 http://clanbase.ggl.com/claninfo.php?cid=1469411 2 cool 4 u EXIT 2008-12-07 17:58:39
[F.S.Le]shiZo http://www..fsle.de Flying Squad Leipzig JOIN 2008-12-08 22:28:47
[F.S.Le]shiZo http://www..fsle.de Flying Squad Leipzig EXIT 2008-12-20 16:15:35
iaR!huhn http://www.iar4ever.org/ insane access rushers JOIN 2009-01-13 20:09:35
iaR!huhn http://www.iar4ever.org/ insane access rushers EXIT 2009-01-27 13:37:13

time GSName GSMap GSCWMode GSPlayercount
2009-03-31 21:15:07 .de r@F|Public by core64.de Scope Disabled 8
3 Logs
2009-03-29 22:17:54 www.buRnClan.de | GameServer | SpaWn.nrw &amp; Remus.gL | by gC- RapidWaters][ Disabled 3
5 Logs
2009-03-29 22:17:54 www.buRnClan.de | GameServer | SpaWn.nrw &amp; Remus.gL | by gC- RapidWaters][ Disabled 3
5 Logs
2009-03-29 21:57:04 www.buRnClan.de | GameServer | SpaWn.nrw &amp; Remus.gL | by gC- Scope Disabled 4
19 Logs
2009-03-29 21:42:44 www.buRnClan.de | GameServer | SpaWn.nrw &amp; Remus.gL | by gC- RapidWaters][ Disabled 4
12 Logs
2009-03-29 21:15:39 www.buRnClan.de | GameServer | SpaWn.nrw &amp; Remus.gL | by gC- The Getaway Disabled 2
19 Logs
2009-03-29 20:54:57 www.buRnClan.de | GameServer | SpaWn.nrw &amp; Remus.gL | by gC- Scope Disabled 3
18 Logs
2009-03-29 20:43:44 www.buRnClan.de | GameServer | SpaWn.nrw &amp; Remus.gL | by gC- RapidWaters][ Disabled 2
9 Logs
2009-03-29 20:26:42 www.buRnClan.de | GameServer | SpaWn.nrw &amp; Remus.gL | by gC- The Getaway Disabled 2
4 Logs
2009-03-29 15:57:39 EU-Hosting- uS- public&amp;war server Icy Breeze Disabled 10
10 Logs
2009-03-29 11:51:13 Xpro-Gaming.eu - Public #1 Scope Disabled 6
1 Log
2009-03-28 15:37:40 .de D'el!te Public &amp; Fun Server by ngz-server.de Scope Disabled 5
23 Logs
2009-03-28 15:11:16 .de D'el!te Public &amp; Fun Server by ngz-server.de Deagle5 v1.2 for AoT Disabled 5
23 Logs
2009-03-28 14:49:01 .de D'el!te Public &amp; Fun Server by ngz-server.de RapidWaters][ Disabled 4
20 Logs
2009-03-28 13:33:35 EU-Hosting- uS- public&amp;war server Trooper ][ Disabled 6
13 Logs
2009-03-28 12:55:26 .de pstarz *Schlachthalle* WarServer 2 Scope Enabled 6
21 Logs
2009-03-28 12:51:07 .de pstarz *Schlachthalle* WarServer 2 Blister Enabled 2
2 Logs
2009-03-28 12:36:50 SuNnY's De &amp; Msg Server RapidWaters][ Disabled 2
12 Logs
2009-03-24 22:40:44 .de wwC by speicherland.com Scope Enabled 7
18 Logs

Total 237 Logs

PUID 11694
ClanNick Homepage ClanName Join/Left Date
eS`s7eady` http://www.emus-sitatus.com eMus si7atus JOIN 2008-12-05 19:27:34

PUID 16117 linked to 16115, 16116, 9729

ClanNick Homepage ClanName Join/Left Date
/ myc3.cl Clanless Clanless - -

time GSName GSMap GSCWMode GSPlayercount
2009-03-27 20:22:17 .de *HcD* Publicserver @teamplay.de Scope Enabled 7
6 Logs

Forum @ http://www.ESE-Protect.de
IRC QuakeNet #ESE


Sollten Sie neu auf der ESE Website sein, lesen sie bitte folgende Links zuerst:
AccManager Release News: http://www.ese-protect.de/homepage/page.php?id=73
Client Release News: http://www.ese-protect.de/homepage/page.php?id=78
ESE BetaServers: http://ese-protect.de/downloads/Servercheck8.php


(Anmerkung des Übersetzers: Auf englisch klingt das wesentlich besser => News Comment checken für das Video)
Wenn die Katastrophe sich nähert ...
Wenn eine Community in Angst fällt ...
Wenn es kein Zurück mehr gibt ...
Wen ruft ihr dann?
Die Geisterjäger - ja, möglicherweise. Es wäre aber besser wenn man für diese Community ESE ruft ;)

Heute präsentieren wir euch den ESEClient und einen Ausschnitt aus dem Bericht von Mrs. Log.

- fixed: einige crashes
- hinzugefügt: einige neue detections
- upgrade: eine Hautdetection von ESE von v3.0 auf 3.5
- Optimierung einiger Funktionen um ggf ein wenig möglichen Lag zu reduzieren.
- Cpu-Core Überwachung hinzugefügt.
Wenn man einen Mehrkren Prozessor nutzt, wird ESE den Prozess TacticalOps.exe auf "Core 1" im Taskmanager zwingen.
TacticalOps kann Mehrkernprozessoren nicht richtig verwalten, was zu Geschwindigkeitsproblemen oder Lags führen kann.
Sollte man also in der Vergangenheit Tools genutzt haben, die das kontrollierten, wie z.B. OneProc oder EasyTools oder etwas anderes, sollten diese Tools bitte deaktiviert werden oder so angepasst werden, dass die TacticalOps.exe auch auf "Core 1" gesetzt wird. Andern falls kann es zu einem Konflikt führen, dass z.B. OneProc TO auf "Core 0" zwingt udn ESE auf "Core 1" ....

- update Ruleset v3.0
- update Whitelist v18.26
Die Registrierung ist derzeit deaktiviert, da die e-Mailserver seit einigen Tagen nicht funktionieren.
Wir hoffen, das Problem bis Sonntag behoben zu haben und werden hier berichten, wenn es wieder geht.
Das Passwort für die Registrierung, die gemacht wurden bevor uns auffiel, dass der Mailserver kaputt ist, wird versendet, wenn der Mailserver wieder online ist.

Mrs. Log
Wie sich einige an eine frühere News erinnern werden ( http://www.ese-protect.de/homepage/page.php?id=122 ) warteten wir gespannt auf einen Report von Mrs. Log :).
Wir hatten einige neue vorbeugende Detections eingebaut, aber diese auf SilentLog belassen.
a) um zu sehen, ob Cheats diese Methode nutzen
b) um zu sehen, welche Spieler sowas nutzen.
c) um BugBans vorzubeugen.
Grade wegen letzterem Punkt werden wir öfters neue Sachen erstmal mit Log-only testen anstelle eines Bans. Das ist mehr Userfreundlich wenn man nach einer Woche die Reports prüft und dann sehen kann ob es zu Bugs kam oder nicht.
Wie wir einigen Gerüchten zufolge auf diversen Community-Foren gelesen hatten, haben sich einige Spieler einen privaten Cheat gekauft, der auch von diesem preventsystem erfasst wurde.

Der Aufbau der Logs ist der gleiche wie in der oben genannten News - diesmal mit den richtig bösen Buben, die sich mit einem private Cheat ausgerüstet haben:

Die Clannicks:
Die Clannick stellen eine Clanzugehörigkeitshistory dar. Bitte beachtet, dass es zum Anfang von ESE einen Bug bei der History gab, weswegen bei einigen unter Umständen das join Datum fehlt, sie dafür aber den Clan irgendwann verlassen.

Datum, wann derjenige dem Clan beitrat oder verließ.

Die total Report Number:
Währendessen ein Spieler TO spielt und ESE nur auf "Log Only" steht, wird etwa alle 2 Minuten ein neuer Report geschrieben.
Das passiert, da ESE einen Cheat entdeckt und den Spieler killen will, es aber nicht darf. 3 Minuten später entdeckt es wieder dass der Spieler eig. Cheatet und schreibt einen neuen Report und darf wieder nicht den Spieler killen. Deswegen kann man anhand der 'total Reports' Anzahl sehen wie oft / lang ein User den Cheat nutzte.

Die blaue PUID Zeile
Das sind des Spielers PUIDs
Die Logs sind nach PUIDs getrennt und können durch das klicken auf den 'show' Button eingesehen werden.

An dieser Stelle müssen wir uns entschuldigen, dass ihr diesmal nicht die ALLE Logs sehen werdet, da
a) das zuviel Spam für diese News ist.
b) die Informationen aus den Reports in diese News zu packen mit liebevoller Handarbeit gemacht wird.

was dahingehend führt, dass wir euch nur die letzten 3 Wochen als Auszug zeigen werden. Keine Panik, gab eh keine anderen außer die hier gelisteten User - man verpasst also nix.

Prüft bitte auch, ob ihr ggf. gegen einen dieser Spieler gespielt auf den entsprechend geloggten Servern gespielt habt .. da die geloggten z.B. den Cheat in diversen Wars genutzt haben z.B. XGC 1. Div pstarz vs wwc oder in einem FM gegen [EW] oder ein FM gegen MM und diverse andere


PUID 1091.

ClanNick Homepage ClanName Join/Left Date

pstarZ*Nasty.hes http://www.pstarz.de Pornostarz JOIN 2008-03-21 15:23:40
Nasty.hes@i-net.only http://www.hfd.de #inet-only 4 life JOIN 2008-04-02 21:15:32
pstarZ*Nasty.hes http://www.pstarz.de Pornostarz EXIT 2008-04-04 14:11:08
pstarZ*Nasty.hes http://www.pstarz.de Pornostarz JOIN 2008-04-05 20:42:30
Nasty.hes@i-net.only http://www.hfd.de #inet-only 4 life EXIT 2008-04-13 20:12:47
aS`Nasty.hes http://end-to.de.vu Anti-Stress Team JOIN 2008-06-03 22:46:51
diamondZ.Nasty.hes http://www.team-diamondZ.de Team diamondZ JOIN 2008-06-10 15:29:14
diamondZ.Nasty.hes http://www.team-diamondZ.de Team diamondZ EXIT 2008-07-23 18:20:49
aS`Nasty.hes http://end-to.de.vu Anti-Stress Team EXIT 2008-07-23 18:20:58
pstarZ*Nasty.hes http://www.pstarz.de Pornostarz EXIT 2008-07-23 18:21:09
pstarZ*Nasty.hes http://www.pstarz.de Pornostarz JOIN 2008-08-10 20:24:05
eS`.hes http://www.emus-sitatus.com eMus si7atus JOIN 2008-08-23 20:15:11
eS`Nasty.hes http://www.emus-sitatus.com eMus si7atus EXIT 2008-09-16 19:45:38
eS`Nasty.hes http://www.emus-sitatus.com eMus si7atus JOIN 2008-09-28 19:32:30
pstarZ*Nasty.hes http://www.pstarz.de Pornostarz EXIT 2008-11-02 21:42:24
eS`Nasty.hes http://www.emus-sitatus.com eMus si7atus EXIT 2008-11-10 19:42:28
=]TT[=Nasty.hes http://www.terrortubbies.net Terrortubbies JOIN 2008-11-12 20:25:35
pstarZ*Nasty.hes http://www.pstarz.de Pornostarz JOIN 2008-11-12 22:58:27
eS`Nasty.hes http://www.emus-sitatus.com eMus si7atus JOIN 2008-11-27 18:42:43
=]TT[=Nasty.hes http://www.terrortubbies.net Terrortubbies EXIT 2009-01-13 22:50:31
Nasty.hes.de Team Germany JOIN 2009-01-16 20:26:16
Nasty.hes http://www.team-hessen.tk Team Hessen JOIN 2009-01-22 17:35:19
xplosionZ`Nasty.hes http://www.xplosionz.eu xplosionZ . JOIN 2009-01-24 13:24:26
.>[8]<.Don)(Stylo http://www.abteilung-8.de/ Abteilung 8. JOIN 2009-02-10 21:03:05
{TRUTM}`Nasty.hes http://www.trutm4ever.org TheRealUTMasterZ JOIN 2009-02-13 00:41:05
Nasty.hes.de Team Germany EXIT 2009-02-24 21:25:19
x8ted`Nasty.hes http://www.getx8ted.de // coming soon // ESL + CB Get excited JOIN 2009-03-20 15:30:02
x8ted`Nasty.hes http://www.getx8ted.de // coming soon // ESL + CB Get excited EXIT 2009-03-21 18:23:17
x8ted`Darksim http://www.getx8ted.de // coming soon // ESL + CB Get excited JOIN 2009-03-21 18:24:10
time GSName GSMap GSCWMode GSPlayercount
2009-04-01 01:03:59 .de pstarz *Schlachthalle* WarServer 2 Icy Breeze Enabled 8
32 Logs
2009-04-01 00:33:44 .de pstarz *Schlachthalle* WarServer 2 The Getaway Enabled 8
26 Logs
2009-04-01 00:26:56 .de pstarz *Schlachthalle* WarServer 2 RapidWaters][ Enabled 5
5 Logs
2009-04-01 00:19:54 Xpro-Gaming.eu - Public #1 Trooper ][ Disabled 11
4 Logs
2009-04-01 00:09:21 Xpro-Gaming.eu - Public #1 Scope Disabled 11
8 Logs
2009-03-30 21:35:32 .de wwC by speicherland.com TO-Dragon Enabled 10
44 Logs
2009-03-30 20:32:52 .de pstarz *Schlachthalle* WarServer 2 Blister Enabled 10
52 Logs
2009-03-27 20:06:31 .de *HcD* Publicserver @teamplay.de RapidWaters][ Enabled 4
5 Logs
2009-03-27 20:01:58 .de *HcD* Publicserver @teamplay.de Trooper ][ Enabled 13
2 Logs
2009-03-26 23:46:48 .de pstarz *Schlachthalle* WarServer 2 Blister Enabled 7
39 Logs
2009-03-26 23:12:37 .de pstarz *Schlachthalle* WarServer 2 Scope Enabled 7
31 Logs
2009-03-26 23:00:53 .de pstarz *Schlachthalle* WarServer 2 Blister Enabled 4
10 Logs
2009-03-25 21:19:05 Eiskalte Waechter War Server I Blister Enabled 9
25 Logs - FM vs [EW]
2009-03-25 20:38:55 Eiskalte Waechter War Server I Omega Enabled 9
37 Logs - FM vs [EW]

2009-03-24 22:42:15 .de wwC by speicherland.com Scope Enabled 8
16 Logs
2009-03-24 18:05:15 .de pstarz *Schlachthalle* WarServer 2 Blister Enabled 7
30 Logs
2009-03-24 17:22:25 Xpro-Gaming.eu - Public #1 Trooper ][ Disabled 14
10 Logs
2009-03-23 23:27:20 .de pstarz *Schlachthalle* WarServer 2 Blister Enabled 7
9 Logs
2009-03-23 19:49:52 .de r@F|Public by core64.de Scope Disabled 15
15 Logs
2009-03-23 18:07:27 Team gamed!de by gameserver.gamed.de Scope Disabled 7
4 Logs
2009-03-23 12:55:05 .de pstarz *Schlachthalle* WarServer 2 Scope Enabled 5
28 Logs
2009-03-23 12:09:41 .de pstarz *Schlachthalle* WarServer 2 RapidWaters][ Enabled 3
41 Logs
2009-03-22 23:10:43 .de pstarz *Schlachthalle* WarServer 2 Scope Enabled 6
4 Logs
2009-03-22 22:22:53 .de pstarz *Schlachthalle* WarServer 2 RapidWaters][ Enabled 6
43 Logs
2009-03-22 22:18:34 .de pstarz *Schlachthalle* WarServer 2 Blister Enabled 5
1 Log
2009-03-22 19:54:34 .bC' - Privat - Xpro-Gaming.eu Trooper ][ Enabled 10
24 Logs
2009-03-22 19:25:09 .bC' - Privat - Xpro-Gaming.eu Blister Enabled 10
27 Logs
2009-03-22 19:17:02 .bC' - Privat - Xpro-Gaming.eu November Rain Enabled 9
6 Logs
2009-03-22 01:08:44 .de pstarz *Schlachthalle* WarServer 2 Trooper ][ Enabled 4
31 Logs - seems to be a War
2009-03-22 00:46:39 .de pstarz *Schlachthalle* WarServer 2 Blister Enabled 4
5 Logs

Total: 615 Logs

PUID 15005 linked: 14935,16103,16211,16427,16428,16430

ClanNick Homepage ClanName Join/Left Date
/ kimbox.cl Clanless Clanless - -

time GSName GSMap GSCWMode GSPlayercount
2009-03-29 21:56:22 www.buRnClan.de | GameServer | SpaWn.nrw &amp; Remus.gL | by gC- Scope Disabled 4
1 Log
2009-03-29 21:35:14 www.buRnClan.de | GameServer | SpaWn.nrw &amp; Remus.gL | by gC- RapidWaters][ Disabled 4
19 Logs
2009-03-29 21:33:31 www.buRnClan.de | GameServer | SpaWn.nrw &amp; Remus.gL | by gC- The Getaway Disabled 4
1 Log
2009-03-29 20:55:08 www.buRnClan.de | GameServer | SpaWn.nrw &amp; Remus.gL | by gC- Scope Disabled 3
4 Logs
2009-03-22 12:43:37 .de D'el!te Public &amp; Fun Server by ngz-server.de 'Glasgow Kiss' Disabled 2
8 Logs

Total: 33 Logs

ClanNick Homepage ClanName Join/Left Date
/ m4rkus.cl Clanless Clanless - -
time GSName GSMap GSCWMode GSPlayercount
2009-03-21 23:26:12 .de D'el!te Public &amp; Fun Server by ngz-server.de Scope Disabled 3
4 Logs
Total 4 Logs

ClanNick Homepage ClanName Join/Left Date
x8ted`DONUT? http://www.getx8ted.de // coming soon // ESL + CB Get excited JOIN 2009-03-22 12:52:37
time GSName GSMap GSCWMode GSPlayercount
2009-03-31 20:18:13 .de r@F|Public by core64.de Trooper ][ Disabled 8
6 Logs
2009-03-31 20:11:00 .de r@F|Public by core64.de RapidWaters][ Disabled 8
2 Logs
2009-03-31 18:45:23 TG-C.eu - Public / Clanserver. Scope Enabled 1
18 Logs
2009-03-31 18:20:09 TG-C.eu - Public / Clanserver. RapidWaters][ Enabled 2
22 Logs
2009-03-31 16:51:33 Team Finland by core64.de Scope Enabled 7
19 Logs
2009-03-30 17:13:30 Team gamed!de by gameserver.gamed.de Deadly Drought Disabled 6
18 Logs
2009-03-29 15:57:40 EU-Hosting- uS- public&amp;war server Icy Breeze Disabled 10
9 Logs
2009-03-29 15:31:47 EU-Hosting- uS- public&amp;war server Blister Disabled 10
25 Logs
2009-03-29 14:19:27 .de r@F|Public by core64.de Trooper ][ Disabled 5
8 Logs
2009-03-29 13:55:34 Xpro-Gaming.eu - Public #1 The Getaway Disabled 11
1 Log
2009-03-28 15:39:43 .de D'el!te Public &amp; Fun Server by ngz-server.de Scope Disabled 6
21 Logs
2009-03-28 13:36:27 EU-Hosting- uS- public&amp;war server Trooper ][ Disabled 6
12 Logs
2009-03-28 13:04:49 .de pstarz *Schlachthalle* WarServer 2 Scope Enabled 6
13 Logs
2009-03-27 20:03:18 .de *HcD* Publicserver @teamplay.de Trooper ][ Enabled 12
23 Logs
2009-03-25 14:33:34 .de pstarz *Schlachthalle* WarServer 2 Blister Enabled 1
43 Logs
2009-03-24 22:42:31 .de wwC by speicherland.com Scope Enabled 8
16 Logs
2009-03-24 19:54:40 TG-C.eu - Public / Clanserver. RapidWaters][ Enabled 2
9 Logs
2009-03-24 19:29:33 TG-C.eu - Public / Clanserver. Scope Enabled 2
21 Logs
2009-03-24 17:39:45 .de pstarz *Schlachthalle* WarServer 2 Blister Enabled 2
5 Logs
2009-03-24 17:22:13 Xpro-Gaming.eu - Public #1 Trooper ][ Disabled 13
6 Logs
2009-03-23 20:26:06 [n|$|c]* BesT [DE+MSG] Server - Rapid / Trooper / Deagle / S Deagle5 v1.2 for AoT Disabled 4
10 Logs
2009-03-23 20:18:47 .de pstarz *Schlachthalle* WarServer 2 Blister Enabled 3
3 Logs
2009-03-23 18:37:41 Team gamed!de by gameserver.gamed.de Blister Disabled 4
10 Logs
2009-03-23 18:10:09 Team gamed!de by gameserver.gamed.de Scope Disabled 7
9 Logs
2009-03-23 18:00:25 [n|$|c]* BesT [DE+MSG] Server - Rapid / Trooper / Deagle / S Trooper ][ Disabled 10
3 Logs
2009-03-23 13:32:10 SuNnY's De &amp; Msg Server RapidWaters][ Disabled 4
18 Logs
2009-03-22 19:54:37 .bC' - Privat - Xpro-Gaming.eu Trooper ][ Enabled 10
24 Logs
2009-03-22 19:25:12 .bC' - Privat - Xpro-Gaming.eu Blister Enabled 10
27 Logs
2009-03-22 19:03:51 .de [KOPnet] - www.kopnet.de by esport-server.de RapidWaters][ Enabled 5
1 Log
2009-03-22 18:37:06 .de r@F|Public by core64.de RapidWaters][ Disabled 8
14 Logs
2009-03-22 16:59:18 .fr`•.,¸¸,.•´¯ OVERiDE`Gaming pw:overide ¯`•.,¸¸,.•´ Scope Disabled 9
23 Logs
2009-03-22 16:50:09 .fr`•.,¸¸,.•´¯ OVERiDE`Gaming pw:overide ¯`•.,¸¸,.•´ Blister Enabled 8
7 Logs
2009-03-22 15:53:26 ':.:' Face-Rules Warserver by core64.de Scope Enabled 8
1 Log
2009-03-22 13:30:40 ':.:' Face-Rules II by core64.de Trooper ][ Disabled 5
12 Logs
2009-03-22 13:25:20 ':.:' Face-Rules II by core64.de RapidWaters][ Disabled 7
3 Logs

Total 463 Logs

ClanNick Homepage ClanName Join/Left Date
/ 6463653653.cl Clanless Clanless - -

PUID time GSName GSMap GSCWMode GSPlayercount
2009-03-30 21:33:20 .de wwC by speicherland.com TO-Dragon Enabled 10
48 Logs
2009-03-30 20:36:18 .de pstarz *Schlachthalle* WarServer 2 Blister Enabled 10
50 Logs
Total: 98 Logs

16427, 16428,16430:
ClanNick Homepage ClanName Join/Left Date
/ iknow.cl Clanless Clanless - -

PUID 12805 linked to: 17, 7312, 11694, 12805

eS`sjN http://www..emus-sitatus.com eMus si7atus JOIN 2008-03-17 21:51:54
sjN.E$E http://www.ese-protect.de Team ESE EXIT 2008-03-19 22:38:19
(EM)sjNho` http://elite-marines.de Elite Marines JOIN 2008-06-26 16:08:56
(EM)sjNho` http://elite-marines.de Elite Marines EXIT 2008-08-10 18:07:00
(EM)sjNho` http://elite-marines.de Elite Marines JOIN 2008-08-10 20:12:03
(EM)sjNho` http://elite-marines.de Elite Marines EXIT 2008-09-01 21:29:07
jS.eu`sjN http://www..justskill.eu js JOIN 2008-09-07 21:18:11
jS.eu`sjN http://www..justskill.eu js EXIT 2008-09-25 11:57:31
pstarZ*sjN http://www..pstarz.de Pornostarz JOIN 2008-12-07 20:35:51
.2ql4u`hoorai<3 http://clanbase.ggl.com/claninfo.php?cid=1469411 2 cool 4 u JOIN 2008-12-20 16:17:46
v1.sN. http://clanbase.ggl.com/claninfo.php?cid=1671664 volume n°1 JOIN 2008-12-26 22:04:17
.2ql4u`hoorai<3 http://clanbase.ggl.com/claninfo.php?cid=1469411 2 cool 4 u EXIT 2009-01-15 17:55:51
v1.sN. http://clanbase.ggl.com/claninfo.php?cid=1671664 volume n°1 EXIT 2009-01-16 19:35:45
sjN.de Team Germany JOIN 2009-01-16 20:44:46
sjN.de Team Germany EXIT 2009-02-24 21:25:08
2009-04-01 16:38:55 # STARZ BASHSERVER Scope Enabled 6
8 Logs
2009-03-30 20:36:20 .de pstarz *Schlachthalle* WarServer 2 Blister Enabled 10
11 Logs

Total 19 Logs

PUID 12805
ClanNick Homepage ClanName Join/Left Date
teamkR.de|vitaLity http://clanbase.ggl.com/claninfo.php?cid=1699570 teamKR.de JOIN 2009-01-07 19:05:26
.>[8]<.vitaLity http://www.abteilung-8.de/ Abteilung 8. JOIN 2009-02-10 21:00:55
{TRUTM}`vitaLity http://www..trutm4ever.org TheRealUTMasterZ JOIN 2009-02-13 00:39:44
{TRUTM}`sico77a http://www..trutm4ever.org TheRealUTMasterZ EXIT 2009-03-16 18:26:30
teamkR.de|vitaLity http://clanbase.ggl.com/claninfo.php?cid=1699570 teamKR.de EXIT 2009-03-16 18:26:40
.>[8]<.The Brain http://www.abteilung-8.de/ Abteilung 8. EXIT 2009-03-16 18:26:44
x8ted`n0thing http://www..getx8ted.de // coming soon // ESL + CB Get excited JOIN 2009-03-17 19:26:48
time GSName GSMap GSCWMode GSPlayercount
2009-03-31 21:27:51 Eiskalte Waechter Public-Clan-Server I [ESE-Protected] RapidWaters][ Disabled 12
7 Logs
2009-03-24 17:51:07 .de pstarz *Schlachthalle* WarServer 2 Blister Enabled 3
5 Logs
2009-03-24 17:46:10 www.buRnClan.de | GameServer | SpaWn.nrw &amp; Remus.gL | by gC- RapidWaters][ Enabled 6
3 Logs
2009-03-23 20:20:29 .de pstarz *Schlachthalle* WarServer 2 Blister Enabled 3
1 Log
2009-03-22 19:25:10 .bC' - Privat - Xpro-Gaming.eu Blister Enabled 10
27 Logs
2009-03-22 19:20:24 .bC' - Privat - Xpro-Gaming.eu November Rain Enabled 8
3 Logs
2009-03-22 16:53:13 .de pstarz *Schlachthalle* WarServer 2 Scope Enabled 2
25 Logs
2009-03-22 16:43:59 .de pstarz *Schlachthalle* WarServer 2 Trooper ][ Enabled 2
7 Logs
2009-03-22 13:17:52 ':.:' Face-Rules II by core64.de RapidWaters][ Disabled 6
10 Logs
2009-03-22 12:43:59 .de D'el!te Public &amp; Fun Server by ngz-server.de 'Glasgow Kiss' Disabled 2
7 Logs

Total: 95 Logs

PUID 7312
ClanNick Homepage ClanName Join/Left Date

gamed!de.v1reS` http://team.gamed.de GAMED!DE JOIN 2008-06-10 14:55:08
gamed!de.v1reS` http://team.gamed.de GAMED!DE EXIT 2008-06-10 16:37:28
BeTA|v1reS` http://www..betagaming.org BeTA.Gaming JOIN 2008-06-15 19:36:44
BeTA|v1reS` http://www..betagaming.org BeTA.Gaming EXIT 2008-06-25 13:37:26
pstarZ*v1reS` http://www..pstarz.de Pornostarz JOIN 2008-07-31 20:52:56
pstarZ*v1reS` http://www..pstarz.de Pornostarz EXIT 2008-08-10 20:24:24
iaR!banaNa` http://www.iar4ever.org/ insane access rushers JOIN 2008-09-15 11:05:14
iaR!banaNa` http://www.iar4ever.org/ insane access rushers EXIT 2008-09-29 20:31:07
.2ql4u`hoorai<3 http://clanbase.ggl.com/claninfo.php?cid=1469411 2 cool 4 u JOIN 2008-10-22 18:36:46
team.lpz`|martjNoviC http://northman22.no.funpic.de/html/forum/index.php TeamLeipzig! JOIN 2008-11-06 19:31:59
core*paradox` http://www..core-eSport.de Core eSport JOIN 2008-11-30 16:39:02
team.lpz`|martjNoviC http://northman22.no.funpic.de/html/forum/index.php TeamLeipzig! EXIT 2008-12-07 17:58:31
core*paradox` http://www..core-eSport.de Core eSport EXIT 2008-12-07 17:58:35
.2ql4u`hoorai<3 http://clanbase.ggl.com/claninfo.php?cid=1469411 2 cool 4 u EXIT 2008-12-07 17:58:39
[F.S.Le]shiZo http://www..fsle.de Flying Squad Leipzig JOIN 2008-12-08 22:28:47
[F.S.Le]shiZo http://www..fsle.de Flying Squad Leipzig EXIT 2008-12-20 16:15:35
iaR!huhn http://www.iar4ever.org/ insane access rushers JOIN 2009-01-13 20:09:35
iaR!huhn http://www.iar4ever.org/ insane access rushers EXIT 2009-01-27 13:37:13

time GSName GSMap GSCWMode GSPlayercount
2009-03-31 21:15:07 .de r@F|Public by core64.de Scope Disabled 8
3 Logs
2009-03-29 22:17:54 www.buRnClan.de | GameServer | SpaWn.nrw &amp; Remus.gL | by gC- RapidWaters][ Disabled 3
5 Logs
2009-03-29 22:17:54 www.buRnClan.de | GameServer | SpaWn.nrw &amp; Remus.gL | by gC- RapidWaters][ Disabled 3
5 Logs
2009-03-29 21:57:04 www.buRnClan.de | GameServer | SpaWn.nrw &amp; Remus.gL | by gC- Scope Disabled 4
19 Logs
2009-03-29 21:42:44 www.buRnClan.de | GameServer | SpaWn.nrw &amp; Remus.gL | by gC- RapidWaters][ Disabled 4
12 Logs
2009-03-29 21:15:39 www.buRnClan.de | GameServer | SpaWn.nrw &amp; Remus.gL | by gC- The Getaway Disabled 2
19 Logs
2009-03-29 20:54:57 www.buRnClan.de | GameServer | SpaWn.nrw &amp; Remus.gL | by gC- Scope Disabled 3
18 Logs
2009-03-29 20:43:44 www.buRnClan.de | GameServer | SpaWn.nrw &amp; Remus.gL | by gC- RapidWaters][ Disabled 2
9 Logs
2009-03-29 20:26:42 www.buRnClan.de | GameServer | SpaWn.nrw &amp; Remus.gL | by gC- The Getaway Disabled 2
4 Logs
2009-03-29 15:57:39 EU-Hosting- uS- public&amp;war server Icy Breeze Disabled 10
10 Logs
2009-03-29 11:51:13 Xpro-Gaming.eu - Public #1 Scope Disabled 6
1 Log
2009-03-28 15:37:40 .de D'el!te Public &amp; Fun Server by ngz-server.de Scope Disabled 5
23 Logs
2009-03-28 15:11:16 .de D'el!te Public &amp; Fun Server by ngz-server.de Deagle5 v1.2 for AoT Disabled 5
23 Logs
2009-03-28 14:49:01 .de D'el!te Public &amp; Fun Server by ngz-server.de RapidWaters][ Disabled 4
20 Logs
2009-03-28 13:33:35 EU-Hosting- uS- public&amp;war server Trooper ][ Disabled 6
13 Logs
2009-03-28 12:55:26 .de pstarz *Schlachthalle* WarServer 2 Scope Enabled 6
21 Logs
2009-03-28 12:51:07 .de pstarz *Schlachthalle* WarServer 2 Blister Enabled 2
2 Logs
2009-03-28 12:36:50 SuNnY's De &amp; Msg Server RapidWaters][ Disabled 2
12 Logs
2009-03-24 22:40:44 .de wwC by speicherland.com Scope Enabled 7
18 Logs

Total 237 Logs

PUID 11694
ClanNick Homepage ClanName Join/Left Date
eS`s7eady` http://www.emus-sitatus.com eMus si7atus JOIN 2008-12-05 19:27:34

PUID 16117 linked to 16115, 16116, 9729

ClanNick Homepage ClanName Join/Left Date
/ myc3.cl Clanless Clanless - -

time GSName GSMap GSCWMode GSPlayercount
2009-03-27 20:22:17 .de *HcD* Publicserver @teamplay.de Scope Enabled 7
6 Logs

Forum @ http://www.ESE-Protect.de
IRC QuakeNet #ESE
